All customer cases
20 July 2020

Everyone benefits from the collaboration betweeb NutSelect and Salesdock

Energy distributor NutSelect and sales application Salesdock are working together to provide even better service to mutual customers. With an advanced API connection between both parties' software, sales organisations have access to the best energy deals as well as the freedom and flexibility to broaden their own offerings, for example with other markets such as internet & TV at home, SIM-only and charging stations.

The start-off point is that all parties involved in the energy market 'ecosystem' benefit from cooperation. Suppliers can easily add, change and delete propositions in one place. Sales organisations work with multiple suppliers from one clear system. And as a result, customers benefit from the best offer. Result: convenience for suppliers, satisfied customers and happy sales people. And that is what unites Salesdock and NutSelect: making life easy for sales people so that the customer benefits from the best deals.

Platform innovation in the energy market
Mark Hekkelman, CEO of Salesdock, explains that not so long ago, each energy supplier had its own platform from which resellers sold contracts. "That was inconvenient for sales organisations selling propositions from different providers. They had to deal with a jumble of systems that meant a salesperson spent more time in the digital jungle than with his own profession: advising and selling. And that's why we developed Salesdock."

Energy distributor NutSelect uses its onw platform from which resellers can sell energy suppliers' propositions. Erik Verdam is COO and general manager of NutSelect. He explains why the platform is so important for NutSelect. "We have designed our software so that all processes run efficiently. The partners (resellers) gratefully use this platform to easily sell the propositions of different suppliers."

The playground is changing
Sales organisations are increasingly looking to broaden their offerings to include, for example, internet & TV at home, SIM-only and charging stations. Mark Hekkelman: "To meet this changing need, Salesdock offers an independent sales platform for suppliers, distributors and sellers. This development is leading more and more suppliers and sales organisations to use Salesdock as a central and independent platform." Some of NutSelect's partners also knocked on the door asking if they could sell the energy propositions from NutSelect via Salesdock. After that, it didn't take long for Salesdock and NutSelect to put their heads together to discuss how they could best help these sales organisations.
Building a connection
NutSelect will continue to use its own system. Erik Verdam explains why: "We have spent years developing our system to optimise all processes, from sales and administration to adding propositions. We don't just throw that away." At the same time, Verdam does not want to force a system on his partners. "Our goal has always been to serve our partners in the best possible way. In this case, we serve our partners best by linking our system with Salesdock." It is this vision that made NutSelect and Salesdock click. Mark Hekkelman confirms: "Salesdock exists to make it as easy as possible for sellers. We bring different markets and sign-up systems together in one sales application, giving salespeople everything they need to make sales fun again. Linking to the system of a major distributor like Nutselect is therefore a logical step.'
The solution
Partners of NutSelect can use Salesdock very easily. This works both ways. On the one hand, all data from Nutselect and suppliers regarding propositions and rates are automatically loaded into Salesdock and updated in real time. On the other hand, the information of all orders from the vendor (number of sales, details of contracts, etc.) is directly processed and automatically included in the NutSelect system. In this way, sales organisations work from a single system, even when their portfolio consists of more than just propositions from NutSelect. And vice versa: sales organisations using Salesdock can now also easily add NutSelect's propositions to their portfolio without having to work in different platforms.
The future
Erik Verdam and Mark Hekkelman share the view for the future that flexibility, for example for broadening the offer of sales organisations, will become increasingly important. Verdam: "Supply and demand in the market are constantly changing and the 'ecosystem' is constantly moving with them. We will therefore continue to work together to make it easy for sellers to make customers the best offer." "And that's what it's ultimately all about," Hekkelman confirms.

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