All customer cases
20 May 2021

PARTOF_ takes D2D sales to the next level

PARTOF_ is a D2D sales organisation founded in 2017. Although we sell the company short by simply calling them a sales organisation. Because PARTOF_ combines sales, based on data, with thoughtful and creative marketing. Director/owner Chris de Leeuw explains what that looks like in practice: "Instead of a sales team, we offer a sales platform. We don't ring unsuspecting people's doorbells indiscriminately; we do 360-degree selling. We put ourselves in our client's shoes and convince customers before ringing the doorbell. In doing so, we combine different channels such as the phone, websites and social media. Analysing and improving the way we work is also an important part of ''the PARTOF method." It currently employs around 30 people, roughly divided into two closely cooperating groups: inside sales and field sales. Salesdock has been the digital base of the Alphen aan de Rijn-based sales organisation since spring 2020.

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